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What happens in a one-on-one counselling sessions?

At your first appointment, which lasts for approximately 90 minutes, you and/or your parent or guardian (if you're under the age if 18) will complete our registration and consent forms. You will then have a chat with one of our qualified therapists who will ask lots of questions about different areas of your life to get a sense of who you are, what might be troubling you and how we can help to support you. Questions include things like your living circumstances, education, employment, relationships (friends and intimate relationships) and sleep. We will also ask questions which relate to mental health, such as your mood, stress, and drug and/or alcohol use.

If you're attending your appointment with a support person (including a parent or guardian) you can make the choice as to whether you want that person to sit in on your appointment, or whether you'd rather discuss these issues on your own (yes, even if you're under 18!!).

At the end of your first appointment you will discuss an ongoing plan to address your concerns with the therapist - depending on your concerns, this might include coming back for further sessions, being referred to a different service for extra support or not returning to Flourish Therapy & Consulting.

At your second and subsequent appointments, you'll begin to work through your concerns with the therapist who will use a variety of techniques and strategies with you (known under Medicare as 'Focused Psychological Strategies'). You should always understand what is happening in therapy and why, and if you have any questions or concerns about your treatment, you can discuss these with your treating therapist.


Can you access counselling without parental consent if you're under 18?

In certain circumstances a young person under the age of 18 can access counselling without their parent's/guardian's permission. Please contact us to discuss this option further.


Privacy and confidentiality - what's the deal?

At Flourish Therapy & Consulting we value your privacy, and will therefore keep what you tell us confidential. There are some occasions where we have a duty of care and/or a legal obligation to share your information without your consent. These include if:

(1) We are ever worried about your safety or the safety of another person;

(2) A court of law subpoenas documentation; and/or

(3) Your prior approval has been obtained to

a. Provide a written report to another professional or agency; for example, your GP; or

b. Discuss the material with another person; for example, a parent, school or employer

You will be provided with more detailed information regarding the privacy and confidentiality of your information at your first appointment. If you would like more information prior to your appointment, please feel free to contact us.




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Learn about:
The services we offer
Medicare & other funding streams

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Learn about:
What Accredited Mental Health Social Workers are
What training AMHSW's undertake
Services provided by AMHSW's under Medicare